It has ended… PRAISE THE LORD.

Sooooo the diet is over, that is a plus. The minus is however, Thanksgiving Break ruined me…..I gained 3 pounds, I’m putting the blame on pumpkin pie. The worst part about this isn’t about the gained weight its about me now having to go to the gym…… BUT THE DIET WAS A SUCCESS… I LOST 4lbs OVERALL IN THOSE 3 WEEKS! (then Thanksgiving happened)ImageEnough about that. Let me tell you about my diet, so basically it was just 2 week of portioning and 30 mins of exercise a day. Not too bad at all! Maybe this helped me out a little on Thanksgiving. Now that it is over I am sad to say that I have binge ate sugar… so this was all done for nothing. Please be disappointed in me, maybe that will be motivation.

Here is the link, the pdf is like 70 pages so skim it and then try it.

Why did I spontaneously try this? 

For my English final we had to do a research project, It didn’t have to be a paper just something we could research and then turn in what we learned. So I decided to do this, I am interested in health and finding the minimum I can do without gaining weight so I tried it. There was no harm done, okay… maybe there is  now that I gained weight after the diet… but I try not to think about that…. 😦 So I started the diet the 13th of November and ended the 27th… strategically placed the day before thanksgiving. 🙂


As you can tell the diet was fantastic…except for the first week but it was SO worth it. I will be continuing the second part of the diet so I can loose my puggy tummy. Some advice for you? Slowly take sugar out of your diet before the sugar detox, so you don’t go through sugar withdrawal like I did. CAUTION: when you take that much sugar out of your diet that drastically you will loose weight! But when you go back to eating it you WILL gain it back. So not eating sugar in big amounts is smart all the time. ( I need to learn that for my self)

Well, Until my next spontaneous decision. Adventure on.



Sugarless Weeks are Not Sweet at All

Here just take a look at these photos (thanks to Pinterest of course):


Hot Chocolate Truffle


Rocky Road Cookie


Pumpkin Dip with Apples

 Sorry that you are all extremely craving sweets now…. I am a dessert freak. Seriously, I have so much sugar a day. I know, I know its horrible for me. However, I went on a spontaneous diet to see just how addicted to sugar we actually are (well, I am), and I couldn’t eat any of the food in the pictures above….

The first week went like this:


  1. Your weight: The first step to knowing how much water to drink every day is to know your weight. The amount of water a person should drink varies on their weight, which makes sense because the more someone weighs the more water they need to drink. A two hundred pound man and 100 pound woman require different amounts of water every day.
  2. Multiply by 2/3: Next you want to multiple your weight by 2/3 (or 67%) to determine how much water to drink daily. For example, if you weighed 175 pounds you would multiple that by 2/3 and learn you should be drinking about 117 ounces of water every day.
  3. Activity Level: Finally you will want to adjust that number based on how often you work out, since you are expelling water when you sweat. You should add 12 ounces of water to your daily total for every 30 minutes that you work out. So if you work out for 45 minutes daily, you would add 18 ounces of water to your daily intake.

***For tips on how to drink all your water**********


Week One: Withdrawal.
Your first week will be difficult. If you’re lucky (and not too addicted), the difficulty will end after that. You will experience withdrawal in the form of intense cravings. Don’t worry. It’s normal, and when it passes, the energy and vitality you will feel is priceless. The most important thing is to stick to your guns. Remind yourself that it is only one week until the cravings stop and you can survive one week.

Things to Avoid:
– Anything that is obviously sugary. Candy, desserts, soda, pastries. These ones should be no-brainers. Also alcohol, which is pure sugar in the body. This means all beer, wine, and liquor.
– Highly Refined carbs. These foods behave like sugar in the body. Pasta, bread that contains any white flour, white rice, bagels, pretzels, crackers, most cereals, etc. It’s easier to just avoid processed foods, but if you’re eating something with an ingredient list, avoid any kind of “wheat flour.” If it doesn’t have the word “whole” in front of it, it’s refined white flour.
– “Health” food. Most things we consider “healthy” are laden with sugar. Fruit, while healthy in theory, is best avoided for the first week. You can have 1 serving a day of berries (which are low in sugar) if you’d like. Fruit juices and juice drinks are full of sugar; the fact that the sugar is natural is irrelevant. Granola bars and dried fruit are full of sugar. If you’re eating something with a label, aim for less than 5 grams of sugar. Natural sweeteners are out for now, too—that means honey, agave, brown rice syrup, maple syrup, etc.

It seems like nothing is left, right? Here are some ideas to get you thinking about what to eat without sugar in the picture. Focus on protein and fat to keep you from feeling ravenous and deprived.

So what did I eat? Well, I basically ate the same things over and over….. yeah..

  • Breakfast: I don’t eat this… I cant force my self to wake up in time. Go ahead tell me how bad it is for me, I know I know. I do however drink COFFEE. Its my savior though really, I used sugar free syrups and soy milk (The half a cup of soy milk they put in my drink had 3g of sugar so I basically used my 5g up) Also, I know that sugar free is just as bad for you but I refused to research it because I had to have my coffee.

    Sugar free pumpkin pie and cinnamon is FANTASTIC

    Sugar free pumpkin pie and cinnamon is FANTASTIC

  • Lunch: This is stir-fry veggies in garlic and olive oil with lettuce black beans, onions and salsa. It was good actually!

    give or take a potato

    give or take a potato

  • Supper: Whole grain portobello sandwich with tomato and lettuce and pasta salad. 

This is me. Bathroom selfie for the win.Reflection:  So that is me, I lost 4 pounds over the course of the week, and begun to notice how sugar consumes my life. I think it was important for me to figure this out so I can change my life style before it gets detrimental. I am sure that when I get off of this part of the diet I will gain it back. Eventhough, this was super demanding It was so worth it and was a good adventure. Ill keep you posted on how the rest of the diet goes.

